GOOD PRACTICES : Classroom management

Teaching English to French maternelle and primary students can be a rewarding but challenging task. Effective classroom management is crucial for creating a positive and productive learning environment. Here are some techniques tailored for teaching English to young French learners:

Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate and establish expectations for behavior from the beginning. Keep instructions simple and consistent, using visual aids and gestures to support understanding.
Use Visual Cues: Incorporate visual cues, such as posters with pictures and simple words, to reinforce instructions and rules. Visual aids can help bridge the language gap and provide a visual reminder of expectations.
Establish Routines: Establishing predictable routines helps young learners feel secure and understand what to expect. Clearly outline daily activities, transitions, and procedures. Use visual schedules to reinforce routines.
Positive Reinforcement: Focus on positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Use praise, stickers, or small rewards to acknowledge and reinforce positive actions and effort. Celebrate achievements, no matter how small.
Engaging Activities: Plan engaging and age-appropriate activities to capture the students’ interest. Use games, songs, and interactive activities to make learning English enjoyable. Keep the lessons dynamic and varied to prevent boredom.
Interactive Learning: Foster interaction among students and between students and the teacher. Group activities and pair work can keep students engaged and provide opportunities for language practice.
Clear Transitions: Smooth transitions between activities are crucial to maintaining a positive atmosphere. Use signals like a bell, a song, or a countdown to alert students when it’s time to transition to the next activity.
Behavioral Management System: Implement a simple behavioral management system with clear consequences for both positive and negative behavior. Ensure that students understand the system and its consequences.
Proximity and Non-Verbal Cues: Use proximity and non-verbal cues to manage behavior. Move close to students who may need extra attention or redirection. Develop a set of non-verbal signals to communicate expectations without disrupting the class.
Classroom Layout: Arrange the classroom in a way that facilitates effective supervision and management. Ensure that materials are organized and easily accessible. Consider creating designated areas for different activities.
Consistent Discipline: Be consistent in applying discipline. If a rule is established, consistently enforce it. Consistency helps create a sense of stability for young learners.
Parent Communication: Maintain open and regular communication with parents. Share information about classroom activities, behavioral expectations, and students’ progress. Involving parents in the learning process can positively impact classroom behavior.

Remember that building a positive and supportive learning environment takes time. Be patient, flexible, and responsive to the needs of your students, and adjust your strategies as necessary.

By the CapEnglish Pedagogical Team



Incorporate Movement: Young learners often have lots of energy. Incorporate movement into lessons to help them release energy and stay engaged. Use activities that involve gestures, dancing, or simple physical exercises. Review the multiple intelligences.
Use Technology Wisely: Integrate age-appropriate technology into your lessons to make learning more interactive. Projectors, interactive whiteboards, and CapEnglish resources add variety and excitement to your lessons.
Storytelling and Imaginative Play: Utilize storytelling and imaginative play to make language learning more enjoyable. Incorporate puppets, props, and dramatic play activities to capture the children’s imagination and make the language come alive.
Sensory Learning: Engage multiple senses in the learning process. Use sensory materials like playdough, textured objects, or scented markers to make lessons more interactive and memorable.
Foster a Sense of Community: Create a sense of community in the classroom. Encourage teamwork, cooperation, and a supportive atmosphere. When students feel connected to their peers and teacher, they are more likely to follow classroom rules.
Early Finisher Activities: Plan activities for students who finish tasks early. Having engaged and educational activities ready for early finishers can help minimize disruptions and keep all students actively involved.
Collaborate with Support Staff: Work closely with any support staff, such as teaching and learning manager or schoolteachers, to ensure that the needs of all students are met. Collaborative efforts can contribute to a more inclusive and well-managed classroom.
Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your teaching practices and classroom management strategies. Be open to feedback from colleagues. Adjust your approach based on what works best for your specific group of students.

Remember that building a positive and effective learning environment is an ongoing process. Stay flexible, adapt to the needs of your students, and celebrate the progress and successes along the way.

By the CapEnglish Pedagogical Team




Use a lot of visuals: Young learners respond well to visual stimuli. Use pictures, flashcards, and other visual aids to reinforce vocabulary and concepts.
Incorporate songs and rhymes: Music is a powerful tool for language acquisition. Use simple songs and rhymes to make learning fun and memorable.
Introduce basic vocabulary: Focus on essential, everyday vocabulary. Start with simple words related to colors, numbers, animals, and common objects.
Encourage movement: Young children have a lot of energy. Incorporate movement into your lessons with activities like dancing, clapping, and simple games to keep them engaged.
Repeat and reinforce: Repetition is key for young learners. Repeat words and phrases regularly to reinforce learning. Use a variety of activities to revisit vocabulary. Repetition is the mother of learning.
Keep it short and sweet: Attention spans can be short at this age. Plan short, interactive activities to maintain interest and engagement.


Create a positive learning environment: Foster a supportive and positive atmosphere in the classroom. Encourage students to feel comfortable taking risks with language. To learn, one needs to feel safe with failure.
Use interactive activities: Keep students engaged with hands-on activities, group projects, and games. Interactive learning helps reinforce language skills in a fun way.
Incorporate technology: Utilize technology to enhance learning and make lessons more dynamic.
Develop a variety of lesson types: Include a mix of activities such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing according to the class level. Listening and speaking from maternelle to CM2. Reading and writing for CM1 and CM2. Cater to different learning styles to ensure all students benefit.
Relate English to real-life contexts: Make English relevant to students’ lives by incorporating real-life situations, scenarios, and cultural aspects into your lessons.
Encourage speaking: Provide ample opportunities for students to practice speaking English. Engage them in conversations, discussions, and role-playing activities.
Assign age-appropriate homework: While it’s essential not to overload young students with homework, assigning age-appropriate tasks can reinforce learning and involve parents in the learning process. Collaborating with schoolteachers about homework is key.
Celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate students’ achievements, whether big or small. Positivereinforcement can boost confidence and motivation.
Promote literacy skills: Develop reading and writing skills gradually starting in CM1. Introduce age-appropriate texts and writing activities to improve literacy in English.

Remember, flexibility and creativity are crucial when teaching young learners. Tailor your approach to the unique needs and interests of your students to create a positive and effective English learning experience.

By the CapEnglish Pedagogical Team